Top tips for ceremony nerves

Five top tips for brides and grooms on your wedding day

Jenny A

5/13/20222 min read

Weddings are a high stress moment in your life - exciting? Yes! Terrifying? Yes! However, that adrenaline is flowing round your veins and it seems impossible to stop it. It is so easy for everyone to tell you not to be nervous just before you walk down the aisle, or if you are waiting for your partner to arrive. I have seen even the most confident couples physically shaking with nerves. So here are some top tips for keeping calm!

  1. Make sure your schedule allows you plenty of time to get everything done, because if you are running against the clock you will feel stressed.

  2. Take time alone - take a moment on your own away from make-up artists, organisers, dress fitters, family - somewhere quiet where there is no fuss around you. Take a moment to pause and reflect on why you are there, and visualise how you want the day to be. As an actor, I know how nerve wracking it can be to have hundred of people looking at you. and just a little bit of peace and quiet will really help you to focus. If you meditate, then try that even if it is for ten minutes. Tell yourself that it will all be perfect, that YES, you can do this and take a few deep breaths before you go back and join the throng.

  3. Keep yourself hydrated and make sure you eat something. Nutrition and hydration are essential for helping you to manage your anxiety and nerves. If you have a couple of glasses of Prosecco while you are getting ready - wonderful, just make sure you have some food in your stomach and plenty of water as well.

  4. Physical exercise - okay so you can't go for a run while you are having your make-up done - but you can find moment to shake out the anxiety and nerves. Running on the spot, star jumps, shaking out your arms and legs - channel your internal Joe Wicks? Maybe not quite that extreme but don't sit still and rigid causing your muscles to tense up. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly while you release the tension.

  5. Smiling - force yourself to smile! This releases mood enhancing endorphins into your bloodstream giving you the boost you need.

If you are nervous about speaking in front of your guests and making your vows, I can help you out with a coaching session that will give you even more tips and ideas about how to breathe to control your nerves and how to pace your speech.

Yes the whole day can be daunting but it is also wonderful, and beautiful - hang on to that, take a few breaths and take those steps into your married life